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Collection: Skin, Hair, and Nails

Suggested Protocols for Common Problems:

General Skin Problems: Blood Wash 1-2 caps 1-3 times per day

Acne: Follow General Skin Problems and add Happy O 3-6 caps per day for BOYS or Tonic F 3 caps per day for GIRLS

Abscess: Blood Wash 1-2 caps 3 times per day, Fection- put powder in abscess, then bandage, Pain Eaz for pain 2 caps every 20 min until pain is gone

Bites: Blood Wash 1-3 caps 3 times per day, Fection 1-3 caps 3 times per day

Fingernails and Hair: Tissue Mend 3-8 caps per day, Silica 1-10 caps per day

Moles/Skin tags/Stretch Marks: Eraser Oil- Apply liberally to affected area

Warts: Soak piece of cotton with Eraser Oil or Gland oil and cover with duct tape to starve wart of oxygen

Yeast Infection: Fection 1-3 caps 1-3 times per day, Col Cer 1-3 caps 1-3 times per day

The claims and statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.